Saturday, December 3, 2011

Last Journal!!!

Dear friends,
First, I want to say this is a sad topic for me, because we should say goodbye and leave. However, we do not write Journal 17, 18, 19... it will be completed in this month. Next I want to say I did more writing than last 2 semesters, Sean give us a lot of freewriting and essays. I almost finished all of the homework though I dislike to do homework. Therefore, I improve my writing skill in the composition class. Then I want to tell my friends, every classmate, and I am so happy and lucky to know you! I hope you guys have very good future, and everyone can go to the university to study. I know it will be harder and harder but never give up. In the end, to be No.1 everyone, and I miss you forever.

Journal 16

In fact, this is my first time to watch the cultural dances celebrating life &death. In my opinion, it is very natural and interesting. The dance steps are simple, and they always repeat one action. When they dance, they always sing something. I can not understand but I guess that maybe they bless something to themselves. I think it is a body language to send information. When I watched this part, I was so confused what are they doing. I had a lot of questiones about that. And I also did not know why everyone draws picture in their faces. What are the pictures means? actually, I did not pay attention that there are female in the dance, just male. Why? In this movie there are many information I do not know. I might do some research about the movie.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Journal 15

Dear father,

I know all you ask me to practice is good for me. The painting and piano can cultivate my character, while swimming can build my body. However, in my opinion, all studies should build on the foundation of interest. Despite it does benefit for me, I still can not put myself in it. It is well known that the interest is the best teacher. If I like this subject, there is no difficulty can stop me. But, if I don't like it, I can not master it with thousands of times practices.

Sincerely yours,


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Journal 14

Elliott, D. J. (n.d.). A eurozone breakup would be a costly mistake - Nov. 13, 2011. CNNMoney - Business, financial and personal finance news. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from

Douglas J. Elliott, who worked as an investment banker for two decades, is a fellow at the Brookings Institution. This weekend, he (2011) reports Europe's deepening debt crisis will lead to a eurozone breakup (par. 1). Moreover, Douglas agrees with the view of most analysts, and they said that shring the eurozone would be an expensive mistake (par. 8). Some observers have argued that Greece might not be fit to share the euro and forced out from the euro crisis began (par. 6).According to $400,000prize for euro breakup plan, he also believes that devaluations can be like heroin, habit-forming and destructive (par. 24). Everyone hopes that euro crisis will end quickly.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Journal 13

Calle, B. (n.d.). Brian Calle: Schoolkids need an education lobbyist education, rhee, teachers - Opinion - The Orange County Register. The Orange County Register : The Orange County Register. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from
In this article, the author want to discuss the state of education in the United States and what should be done to improve public schools. (par. 8) The claim is that there need to be entity to manage relative department and sections persue interest for students. (par.6) There are some reasons in the article from paragraph 5, therefore, I think it is Logos. The author refers Rhee and Peterson as well as the data in California. (par.7, 8) So it has the strong evidence. Actually, I agree with the author's opinion, they should need a organization to balance and unify all departments and sections.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Dunay, Paul; Krueger, Richard; Elad, Joel (2010). Facebook Advertising For Dummies. For Dummies. Retrieved November 02, 2011, from Ebook Library.

Paul Dunay is Global Managing Director of Services and Social Marketing, and he is an award-winning B2B marketing expert. Richard Krueger is co-founder and CEO of AboutFace Digital. He has a successful track record in leading the business strategies on behalf of social media and entertainment companies. Joel Elad holes a Master's Degree in Business from UC Irvine, and Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA, and he wrote six books about various online topics. In this book, it mentions about effective Faccbook advertising campaigns, I think it is useful to do my research, because I want to find out some information in the new techniques for advertising. This is a good example to me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal 12

Cheong, Y., De Gregorio, F., & Kim, K. (2010). The Power of Reach and Frequency In the Age of Digital Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 50(4), 403-415. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Yunjae Cheong, who is a advertising the University of Alabama. De Gregorio,Federico, who is a the University of Akron. Kim,Kihan who is in the Seoul National University. This article mentions the research on Internet ads and other traditional ads evalutions. It shows some statistics in a table about their survey. It is found that both Internet ads and traditional ads keep based on something. It is very usful for me because I want to compare and contrast new ads and traditional ads in my research paper. I think the survey is very important in my paper.