Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal 12

Cheong, Y., De Gregorio, F., & Kim, K. (2010). The Power of Reach and Frequency In the Age of Digital Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 50(4), 403-415. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Yunjae Cheong, who is a advertising the University of Alabama. De Gregorio,Federico, who is a the University of Akron. Kim,Kihan who is in the Seoul National University. This article mentions the research on Internet ads and other traditional ads evalutions. It shows some statistics in a table about their survey. It is found that both Internet ads and traditional ads keep based on something. It is very usful for me because I want to compare and contrast new ads and traditional ads in my research paper. I think the survey is very important in my paper.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Wikipedia is a free, multilingual encyclopedia, there are a lot of things about Wikipedia. Everyone can learn knowledge. Most of professors in the university do not like that students use it. Because any one can edit the encyclopedia, and it is too general. Moreover, there are several mistakes in the Wikipedia. In my mind, Contents and reference are my favorite parts which can help me write a research paper. Actually, I will learn a lot about advertising. For example, clear definition, various types of advertising, and efficient sale promotions. Due to my major is business ,so I choose this topic, and advertising and business are linked. If I just research advertising, the topic is too general. I think those specific are not too hard to research. However, I should do some research in the books and online except for Wikipedia.

Friday, October 7, 2011


When I came to the United States, I live with my friends who are one boy and one girl. They both focus on appearance. However, I do not care it, and I just like to be comfortable. In addition, before I never wear make-up. One day, one guy told me, "Fiona, you have to do some makeup by yourself, every girl likes to dress, make up, and diet." Suddenly I was so surprised that why my friend said this, and what should I do. Sometimes I thought it is a good advice, I should try to change something. Because I came to a new environment and learnt to adjust to new life, and then I went shopping and bought some make-up. At the beginning, it is hard to wear my face, but my friend taught me a lot. I can make up by myself slowly and like it somehow. Therefore, my friend gave me a good advice, in my opinion, I make up everyday as well as respect for others.