Saturday, December 3, 2011

Last Journal!!!

Dear friends,
First, I want to say this is a sad topic for me, because we should say goodbye and leave. However, we do not write Journal 17, 18, 19... it will be completed in this month. Next I want to say I did more writing than last 2 semesters, Sean give us a lot of freewriting and essays. I almost finished all of the homework though I dislike to do homework. Therefore, I improve my writing skill in the composition class. Then I want to tell my friends, every classmate, and I am so happy and lucky to know you! I hope you guys have very good future, and everyone can go to the university to study. I know it will be harder and harder but never give up. In the end, to be No.1 everyone, and I miss you forever.

Journal 16

In fact, this is my first time to watch the cultural dances celebrating life &death. In my opinion, it is very natural and interesting. The dance steps are simple, and they always repeat one action. When they dance, they always sing something. I can not understand but I guess that maybe they bless something to themselves. I think it is a body language to send information. When I watched this part, I was so confused what are they doing. I had a lot of questiones about that. And I also did not know why everyone draws picture in their faces. What are the pictures means? actually, I did not pay attention that there are female in the dance, just male. Why? In this movie there are many information I do not know. I might do some research about the movie.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Journal 15

Dear father,

I know all you ask me to practice is good for me. The painting and piano can cultivate my character, while swimming can build my body. However, in my opinion, all studies should build on the foundation of interest. Despite it does benefit for me, I still can not put myself in it. It is well known that the interest is the best teacher. If I like this subject, there is no difficulty can stop me. But, if I don't like it, I can not master it with thousands of times practices.

Sincerely yours,


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Journal 14

Elliott, D. J. (n.d.). A eurozone breakup would be a costly mistake - Nov. 13, 2011. CNNMoney - Business, financial and personal finance news. Retrieved November 13, 2011, from

Douglas J. Elliott, who worked as an investment banker for two decades, is a fellow at the Brookings Institution. This weekend, he (2011) reports Europe's deepening debt crisis will lead to a eurozone breakup (par. 1). Moreover, Douglas agrees with the view of most analysts, and they said that shring the eurozone would be an expensive mistake (par. 8). Some observers have argued that Greece might not be fit to share the euro and forced out from the euro crisis began (par. 6).According to $400,000prize for euro breakup plan, he also believes that devaluations can be like heroin, habit-forming and destructive (par. 24). Everyone hopes that euro crisis will end quickly.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Journal 13

Calle, B. (n.d.). Brian Calle: Schoolkids need an education lobbyist education, rhee, teachers - Opinion - The Orange County Register. The Orange County Register : The Orange County Register. Retrieved November 6, 2011, from
In this article, the author want to discuss the state of education in the United States and what should be done to improve public schools. (par. 8) The claim is that there need to be entity to manage relative department and sections persue interest for students. (par.6) There are some reasons in the article from paragraph 5, therefore, I think it is Logos. The author refers Rhee and Peterson as well as the data in California. (par.7, 8) So it has the strong evidence. Actually, I agree with the author's opinion, they should need a organization to balance and unify all departments and sections.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Dunay, Paul; Krueger, Richard; Elad, Joel (2010). Facebook Advertising For Dummies. For Dummies. Retrieved November 02, 2011, from Ebook Library.

Paul Dunay is Global Managing Director of Services and Social Marketing, and he is an award-winning B2B marketing expert. Richard Krueger is co-founder and CEO of AboutFace Digital. He has a successful track record in leading the business strategies on behalf of social media and entertainment companies. Joel Elad holes a Master's Degree in Business from UC Irvine, and Bachelors Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from UCLA, and he wrote six books about various online topics. In this book, it mentions about effective Faccbook advertising campaigns, I think it is useful to do my research, because I want to find out some information in the new techniques for advertising. This is a good example to me.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Journal 12

Cheong, Y., De Gregorio, F., & Kim, K. (2010). The Power of Reach and Frequency In the Age of Digital Advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 50(4), 403-415. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.
Yunjae Cheong, who is a advertising the University of Alabama. De Gregorio,Federico, who is a the University of Akron. Kim,Kihan who is in the Seoul National University. This article mentions the research on Internet ads and other traditional ads evalutions. It shows some statistics in a table about their survey. It is found that both Internet ads and traditional ads keep based on something. It is very usful for me because I want to compare and contrast new ads and traditional ads in my research paper. I think the survey is very important in my paper.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Wikipedia is a free, multilingual encyclopedia, there are a lot of things about Wikipedia. Everyone can learn knowledge. Most of professors in the university do not like that students use it. Because any one can edit the encyclopedia, and it is too general. Moreover, there are several mistakes in the Wikipedia. In my mind, Contents and reference are my favorite parts which can help me write a research paper. Actually, I will learn a lot about advertising. For example, clear definition, various types of advertising, and efficient sale promotions. Due to my major is business ,so I choose this topic, and advertising and business are linked. If I just research advertising, the topic is too general. I think those specific are not too hard to research. However, I should do some research in the books and online except for Wikipedia.

Friday, October 7, 2011


When I came to the United States, I live with my friends who are one boy and one girl. They both focus on appearance. However, I do not care it, and I just like to be comfortable. In addition, before I never wear make-up. One day, one guy told me, "Fiona, you have to do some makeup by yourself, every girl likes to dress, make up, and diet." Suddenly I was so surprised that why my friend said this, and what should I do. Sometimes I thought it is a good advice, I should try to change something. Because I came to a new environment and learnt to adjust to new life, and then I went shopping and bought some make-up. At the beginning, it is hard to wear my face, but my friend taught me a lot. I can make up by myself slowly and like it somehow. Therefore, my friend gave me a good advice, in my opinion, I make up everyday as well as respect for others.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Journal 9

It is hard to define "American food" like hamburger, hot dog, fried chicken, and cheese. In my mind, American food is the fast food, because when I live in here, I can find there are McDonalds, Burger King ,KFC, or other fast food store in everywhere. most of the people look like so strong in the U.S. Meat, bread, cheese, no vegetables sounds like American diet with fried and a soda. However, I sure do love them, everything is very fresh. Sometimes I eat fast food once or twice per week and do not care calorie though I make sense clearly which is a little bit unhealthy. Compare with Chinese diet, it is unsimiliar to American diet. There are vegetables, meat, egg, and rice in the daily. A lot of people worry about their size and weight. In my opinion, just children and teenagers like to eat fast food, and some business men do have no time to cook by yourselves. Overall, I want to say people should keep healthy everyday, it is difficult to do, because of several delicious hamburger, like me.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Journal 8

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."Winston Churchill said. This is a quote that I like it. in my mind, a person focus on the good rather than the bad in life. If people are full of the negative ideas, they will appeal negativity in their life. Generally, I think I am the optimist. For instance, when I took the first two driver tests in Pomona, I failed again and again. Though I was a little dismal, I thought I did a serious mistake and I still did not drive. Moreover, I should practice driving more. So I was happy to keep learning it, when I took the third times, I pass it. I want to say we should maintain a positive life and be alert to our thoughts and attitudes. Do not always focus on the problems, our focus should change to solve them.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Journal 7

people alway say birds of a feather, similar people stay together. In my opinion, it is ture in my real life. being in a class, working with someone can get to know each other in some situations. It is easy to do this. However, I might focus on whether we have the same interests, character, hobby, and information or not. These elements are important for me to get a friend. For instance, my best friend--Jessie, we like the same style of clothes and love to shop together, one time I went to San Francisco, and she stayed in LA. We went to shop in the different places and different time, but when I came back to LA, I was so surprised we got the same clothes. I thought we were mutual. Meanwhile, Compare with other friends, whatever some situations, it is difficult to have the same perspective. Therefore, "birds of a feather" is a rule that will never go out of style.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Journal 6

When I was a child, I always believed animals can talk just like fairy tales. And the world will be more interesting and excited if animals can talk with human. They can tell us what they like and unlike, make friends with individuals, and do something that can not be fulfilled by human such as researching in tiny cave. Meanwhile, I would like to ask panda why they so like eating bamboo, ask koala whether they will feel tired when sleeping for a whole day.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Journal 5

If you ask me which song is my favorite one, I will definitely to say that is "Tianheihei" which is sang by Stefanie Sun. The song with tranquil piano melody tells a problem, met by each of us that is confusion of growth. When we face with the world of adult with misunderstanding and lie, simple belief of childhood has been questioned. However, like what is said from lyrics, "we should be brave to move ahead even in the rain".

Monday, September 5, 2011

Journal 4-weather

In Qingdao, there are four seasons in every year. The highest temperature is 26 degrees in the summer. Qingdao in spring and fall are too long. Unlike many places just are over the winter into summer soon and over the summer soon into the winter. In my opinion, I love fall season, because it is cool and rainy, then the falling leaf spiralled to the ground. I also like LA's weather,
only the sunshine is so strong, it is easy to sunburn to everyone's skin, and I can not see snow in this place. In my hometown, it has snowfall in the winter. After snowfall, it looks like a beautiful picture.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Journal 3-Old Fears

I was so afraid that I took the airplane to encounter airflow. In my opinion, it always dangerous when I got this situation. Sometimes, though I understood clearly it was a little airflow, it was still difficult to accept. As long as it had airflow, I grasped my hands of some stuff such as magzine, newspaper, and pillows. I was nervous and worried if it had not a few airflow, and I called mum whisper. However, my husband told me, "you should face your fears, you just scare yourself." Maybe I would overcome the airflow in the future but now I still can not do it.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Journal 2

In fact, I have never take a bus in here, because the road map is hard to understand. When I got a driver license in California, I bought a new car. I was so suprised that the free way and side street are very ruly. On the free way, there are about 5 lanes in each side which is widely. Meanwhile, most of the people drive in the side street regular and polite. Therefore, I can change lane more easily. I am amazing that the motorcycle can be rode on the free way. That is very different from China. In China, the traffic almost is not good, and the roads are more narrow than California. If I want to change lane, I should have a good drive skill. I am always afraid of changing lane. Though the traffic is bad, the transportation system is better than here. It is very rare for taking a taxi and a bus. I can not understand about it somehow. Actually, it is so inconvenient to everyone. You have to drive your own car. In my country, there are so many buses, subways, and taxi; people can go somewhere to take them. It can save my money and time.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Good evening everyone. My name is Zhen li, generally speaking, this is a boy's name in China that means shaking. When I was a child, i always told my mother to change my name, I need a girl's name. Nevertheless, you can call me Fiona, Oh it is a girl and princess name, I love it. So my husband is Shrek. It is just a joke, actually my husband's name is not Shrek, I got married about 40 days. Now we are study in the Cal State Fullerton together, I was born in Shandong province in China. I came to U.S. on Dec 26th, 2009. My major is bussiness administration. I want to improve my English skill in ALP, then I have to get my bachelor's degree. After graduation, I will come back home. Because I miss my hometown all the time.By the way, I want to say nice to meet you eveyone, I am honored to know you!

interview with Sepideh:

Sepideh was born in Iran on July 26, 1987. Iran is a beautiful and historical country where is surrounded by the ocean. She is very friendly. However, she is also brave girl in her plan of study and life. She is single now, and she will go to university for Master in electrical engineering when she will pass TOEFL test. Before she got a bachelor's degree in computer engineering. She loves to get PHD in her life but she is not sure what will happen in the future. Sepideh likes to travel new places and try some new restaurant with her friends. So if you want to join her, I am sure that she will be happy to accept you.